
How Much Does It Cost To Install Water Sprinklers

On this page:

  • How Much Does a Sprinkler System Cost?
  • Irrigation Cost for the Average Size Lawn
  • The Lawn Size, Slope, and Zones
  • Pipage Costs
  • Sprinkler Heads: Options & Costs
  • Rotary Impact Heads
  • Rotary Gear-Driven Heads
  • Bubbler Heads
  • Low-Catamenia or Misting Heads
  • Pop-up Heads
  • Controller Costs
  • Professional person Lawn Sprinkler Arrangement Installers
  • References

How Much Does a Sprinkler System Cost?

The home with a lush, green lawn has more adjourn appeal. It is also cooler, and the air around the dwelling typically contains more oxygen. Americans beloved their lawns and spend billions per year maintaining them.

Backyard sprinkler systems today can be set on timers, controlled by a smartphone, and some loftier-tech homeowners even attach conditions apps to preclude unnecessary watering.

Using a lawn sprinkler arrangement to cultivate and maintain a beautiful lawn and garden can give you more than luscious light-green space with fewer worries. Still, how much does it cost to install a lawn sprinkler arrangement?

Nigh homeowners spend $2,000 to $four,000 on an irrigation system for their lawn. Several factors will bear upon the cost, such as the size of the backyard, geographic location, and the number of zones.

new grass planted from seed

Irrigation Cost for the Average Size Lawn

The average American lawn nationwide is one-fourth of an acre, or roughly x,870 square anxiety. The further abroad from the city usually means a bigger lawn. However, the availability of water typically limits its size.

If you're unsure how large your lawn is, employ our acreage estimator to determine the size in acres using a map.

Areas like California, Nevada, and Arizona have smaller lawns, whereas rural areas with cooler climates have larger lawns. Lawns in Vermont are typically 17 times larger than a backyard in Nevada; the largest average in the United states.

To install a backyard sprinkler system in the average size backyard of one-quarter acre costs $2,500. The typical range is betwixt $two,000 and $four,000. The minimum is ordinarily effectually $1,800 and the maximum about $viii,000.

Nonetheless, the bodily price volition vary depending on the size of the lawn soil conditions and slope, the number of zones, pipes, heads, controllers, and labor.[1] The most significant of these is the size of your lawn, the materials used, and labor.

The Lawn Size, Slope, and Zones

The size of your backyard increases the toll of the install but not exponentially. In other words, the average one-quarter acre is not one-half what a half acre costs, fifty-fifty though the average is $.40 per square human foot.

A one-half acre backyard will cost about $3,500 to $5,000 and a one-acre lot about $vi,500 – $8,000.

The expense for an extensive area (200 to 300 square anxiety betwixt heads) with manual sprinklers and pop-upward irrigation heads is about $.45 – $.47 per foursquare foot upward to about 5,000 square feet installed.

Five to ten 1000 square anxiety is most $.38, and over ten g square feet, the price decreases to approximately $.30 per square foot. For automatic sprinklers, add roughly $.15 per square pes.

This installed price includes command valves, sprinkler heads, fittings, necessary pipe trenches, and refilling those trenches. Replacing sod or reseeding costs more. Although if paid separately, sod price about $.thirty to $.50 per foursquare foot. You can get a meliorate thought of how much replacing sod volition cost by checking our sod cost guide.

The lawn's gradient and soil weather condition will affect the cost of installing pipes.[two] The harder the ground, the longer it takes to dig. Hard soil with lots of rocks will add together to the overall price.

Likewise, fully cultured lawns with shrubs and other landscaping will price more due to sod replacement, and the additional time it takes to dig effectually trees and shrubs without killing the roots.

What's more, in an area that typically has a difficult freeze, it will cost 10 – 15 percent more to weatherize your system. Acquire more about the cost to winterize a sprinkler arrangement.

The size and shape of the lawn volition also make up one's mind the number of zones needed in the system.
The number of zones will straight impact the overall toll.[three]

Areas with rock gardens practise non need as many sprinkler heads, shrubbery may demand more, and garden areas with possible seedlings need low-period heads rather than high-pressure level spray heads.

Pipage Costs

Unless yous specify otherwise, the landscaper will probable use the standard PVC 40 pipe. These prices vary from $.34 for ½ inch pipes to $ane.25 per linear foot for 3-inch pipes.

Usually, all the parts for your organization cost $750 – $900, though y'all tin choose cheaper or more expensive components. Since you want your organisation to last five – 10 years, you should use quality components to cut downwards on repair costs.

Sprinkler Heads: Options & Costs

There are a variety of sprinkler heads available, and they vary in altitude, angle, and spray, making them suitable for different use-cases. The quantity and type of heads used will affect the price of the arrangement.

Rotary Impact Heads

These reach 20' – 150' and toll near $20 each. However, due to all the moving pieces, these may require more frequent maintenance.

Rotary Gear-Driven Heads

These reach fifteen' – xxx' and cost nigh $12 each. These should get placed about 20 feet apart.

Bubbler Heads

These are used primarily effectually areas with shrubbery, and cost between $v.50 and $half-dozen.00 each.

Depression-Period or Misting Heads

These are also known as baste heads and typically go used in garden areas with fragile plants that cannot stand the pressure from a spray caput or where piffling h2o is needed. These price almost $10 each.

Pop-up Heads

These hide simply below the lawn's surface when not in use and popular-up the number of inches in their names. A number two pop-upward raises 2 inches, with pressure level to spray 12 to 15 feet, and cost about $7.50 to $viii.00 each, and is best for well-kept lawns.

The number four-six is best for grass cutting to three or 4 inches and sprays out to fifteen feet; these cost $6.50 – $9 each.

The number eight to twelve reaches into the shrubbery and other difficult to reach areas and costs about $fifteen to $17 each.

Controller Costs

Transmission timers price almost $7 – $25, while electronic timers toll $25 – $l, depending on the quality. Yous can add elaborate automatic zone, weather, or app-enabled controllers for $50 to $500.

Depending on the cost of utilities in your expanse, you lot could salvage considerably past adding these features.

Professional Lawn Sprinkler System Installers

If you have the energy, tools, and fourth dimension, you could practise a sprinkler organisation as a DIY project. Still, even though y'all will cut the cost of labor, which is typically $36 to $50 per hour, you will likely non have a warranty and incorrectly installed heads, and controllers need more maintenance and before replacement.

Many volition consider hiring a professional landscaper due to the size of the project.

One area you can save money is designing or mapping your backyard sprinkler organization. An excellent place to start is with your lot survey, which you should accept received with your habitation buy. If you don't accept one, you can check our property survey price guide to decide if information technology would be beneficial to go one done.

Otherwise, map out your property into zones, such as lawn, garden areas, walks, shrubs and trees, and other notable landscaping items and then y'all and the installer will have a better thought of what heads to use in which zones and how much textile you will demand.

To get hassle-gratis estimates from professional irrigation installers in your expanse, apply our costless contractor locator. Make sure you lot get a written contract with warranties and either you or the landscaper check with the building inspector's office about necessary permits.

The most time-consuming task is watering the backyard. For those with niggling time to devote to this job, the next best option is hiring a landscaping service. However, that option can get very expensive, so many turn to automated lawn sprinkler systems.

Check our lawn maintenance toll guide for more than detailed data virtually aerating, fertilizing, and maintaining a stunning lawn.

All pricing information on this page is based on average industry costs, and is subject to variance for project-specific materials, labor rates, and requirements.


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