
Xbox Series X specs fully revealed — and there's some bad news

Xbox Serial 10 specs fully revealed — and in that location'due south some bad news

xbox series x
(Image credit: Xbox)

The Xbox Series X may exist the nigh powerful panel e'er made, but it's however a console, and that means it's spring to be behind PCs in certain ways. A breakdown of the Xbox Series X on Microsoft'due south website confirms a potentially frustrating design determination: the panel won't take whatever USB-C ports whatsoever.

That could hinder the console in terms of both accessory charging time, and data transfer speed. On the other paw, the aforementioned tech specs ostend that the Xbox Serial Ten will use a Wi-Fi five wireless protocol. While this is also not the very latest tech, it's a big step up over what the Xbox One offered.

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Information comes from the official Xbox Series X website, under a section chosen "Tech Specs." Most of the information, Microsoft has gone over advertizement infinitum: the Custom Zen 2 CPU, the Custom RDNA ii GPU, the 16 GB RAM, the one TB SSD and and then along. The Ports & Connectivity section is of special interest, withal. Hither we learn that the Xbox Series X volition take one HDMI port, three USB-a ports and an 802.11ac dual band wireless radio, aka Wi-Fi v.

While the omission of USB-C ports isn't the end of the globe, it does seem similar a foreign choice, considering that the Xbox Series X controller will accept a USB-C input. Presumably, when players desire to charge it, they'll accept to use a USB-C-to-A cablevision, as some phones and headsets employ. While there'south nothing wrong with this blazon of charging, information technology doesn't have full reward of USB-C'due south speed. It besides means players will have to grapple with ports that accept up a lot of room, and plugs that are easy to accidentally insert the incorrect manner.

Another potential do good of USB-C is its ability to transfer data extremely apace, which could have been useful for external storage drives. (Xbox Series 10 supports both proprietary expandable storage, and more than traditional storage options via USB.) If you plan to transfer games betwixt an Xbox Serial Ten and an external drive, yous should be prepared to requite the procedure a picayune time.

There'south ameliorate news on the Wi-Fi front, although some technophiles will no uncertainty be bummed that Microsoft chose the slightly older Wi-Fi five protocol rather than the shiny new Wi-Fi 6. For those who don't continue track of the intricacies of consumer wireless, Wi-Fi five allows dual-band connections (both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands), too as transfer speeds of up to three.five Gbps. Wi-Fi half dozen is similarly dual-band, but supports speeds of up to 9.six Gbps — a significant difference, if yous have a modem and router to support it.

Granted, nearly people don't have modems and routers like that. The average Internet speed in the United states of america hovers around 44 Mbps; Western Europe gets somewhere between thirty and 50 Mbps, and even Southeast Asia caps out effectually 100 Mbps. Furthermore, Wi-Fi 6 is only now rolling out to consumer devices, and arguably would have been difficult to include in a device whose concrete design was all just completed last year.

Marshall Honorof is a senior editor for Tom'south Guide, overseeing the site's coverage of gaming hardware and software. He comes from a science writing background, having studied paleomammalogy, biological anthropology, and the history of science and technology. Later on hours, you lot can find him practicing taekwondo or doing deep dives on archetype sci-fi.


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