Subnautica is i of the best survival games of the decade. It combines all the key elements of survival games: resource collection, crafting, and a harsh environment. But it adds extra layers of tension. Non only is the globe of Subnautica a three-dimensional space that is challenging to navigate, only it's full of deadly creatures that tin can bound out at you from any angle and at any time, forcing you to stay warning in order to stay alive.

In a game similar this, non knowing how to start can set you back a long time and lead to frustrating deaths that keep you from progressing in the game. Here are ten critical first steps that can put yous on track to explore the larger world and face the more exciting discoveries waiting for yous.

x Air Tanks

In case you didn't know, in Subnautica you will spend virtually of your time underwater, just in lodge to do that, you need to have a expert air supply. Your initial air supply gives you lot nigh 30 seconds underwater before you accept to surface. Fortunately, making an air tank is piece of cake.

All you lot need is titanium, which y'all can make it abundance by picking up metal salvage from the seafloor. Take it to the fabricator in your survival pod and you'll be able to craft an air tank. Once you lot've expanded your tank once, be on the lookout for the ingredients to expand it over again: more titanium, plus silver and glass.

9 H2o

Bold y'all're playing in survival mode, you have to worry about air, wellness, food, and h2o. You're on a planet covered in water, so it shouldn't be too hard to notice something to potable, correct? Unfortunately, the game is designed to emphasize the one-time aphorism "Water, water, everywhere, but not a driblet to drink."

If y'all want to have drink h2o, you take to filter or purify it. The easiest solution is a bladderfish, which lets you lot filter water. A amend solution is making bleach from common salt and coral tube samples, but to exercise this, yous need to have a knife.

8 Food

Nutrient is another constant demand in Subnautica. Your food meter doesn't run downwardly as quickly as your water meter, simply it will continue y'all from making much progress if yous don't know how to get food. Fortunately, getting food is very simple in Subnautica.

Just catch a fish with your easily. It takes a piffling bit of practice. You can eat fish raw, but if you desire to get the nigh benefit, you will want to cook the fish. Watch out, though: once you melt a fish, it can start to go bad. Fish lasts longer is you lot preserve it with table salt.

vii Knife

Of all the tools yous demand in the early on game, the knife is your about critical. Information technology improves your ability to harvest resources, and information technology protects y'all from the larger predators y'all will see nearly your escape pod. Unfortunately, to get cloth for your knife, you need to head to the creepervine "forest" where the stalkers dwell. The medium-sized reptilian predators tin can swallow you apace, so lookout man for them, then hurry into the forest for the creepervine seed clusters.

Collect as many of these as you tin. The seeds can be used to make silicone rubber as well as a lubricant (which you'll demand later on). One time you lot have the pocketknife, your graphic symbol volition show off some fancy moves with it, just getting good at using information technology takes good. (Fortunately, yous'll get lots of practise swimming in the creepervines.

6 Fins

Humans aren't equipped to travel apace underwater. Since you tin't change your anatomy, yous need to augment it with the equipment available.

Fortunately, fins will dramatically increase your swimming speed, and they're easy to brand. All y'all demand is silicone. Once yous've got your creepervine seed clusters and you lot've made your pocketknife, make some extra silicone to brand yourself a set of fins.

5 Scanner

The scanner gives you critical information about yourself and the globe. Y'all can do a cocky-scan at any time to check up on your health. More than importantly, you tin can scan animals to see what you tin do with them. In addition, the scanner lets y'all get data from components in social club to assemble blueprints of major technologies.

The master ingredient yous demand for a scanner is a bombardment. To make a bombardment, collect acrid mushrooms and copper ore. The mushrooms are easy to notice effectually your lifepod, but the copper volition be subconscious inside limestone outcroppings.

When your send went down, the escape pod immune you to fly to safety. But not all went as planned. The escape pod was damaged, and you need to repair it. The repair tool will do that, but y'all've got to build information technology first. The main ingredient in the repair tool is cave sulfur.  You volition find this inside a sulfur constitute.

The problem is that the sulfur plant is inhabited past a crashfish, which will charge you lot and explode. Once yous get the sulfur, you can make a repair tool, which will let you fix the damaged systems in the escape pod. This makes the place seem more than habitable, but also fixing the radio volition allow y'all access some missions that volition give you goals.

3 Flashlight

Information technology'southward similar they say onGame of Thrones: "the dark is dark and full of terrors." In that location's not much y'all can do about the terrors (yet), but at least with the flashlight, you tin can do something about the dark.

Getting the flashlight volition not only brand it easier to explore and harvest at night but volition brand it easier to venture into caves. A flashlight is essentially a battery with some glass. Search for quartz deposits to process into drinking glass.

2 Radiation Suit

When the Aurora crashed, it suffered meaning harm to its drives. As a result, any attempt to approach the wreck will trigger a alert almost radiation. If yous persist, the radiation will hurt you lot. Unless yous have a radiations suit. To brand a radiation adapt, you demand lead and fiber.

The fibers you lot can process from creepvine, which yous tin can at present cutting off with your knife. You won't get the usual bulletin about harvestable resources, you merely take to slash with the knife. Pb is a little harder to find. It's in sandstone outcropping.  Proceed breaking them until you become them.

1 Seaglide

Even with fins, swimming is not the fastest way to get around. You need more speed to expand your exploration range, and the commencement tool that really speeds you upwardly is the Seaglide. The Seaglide is substantially a jet engine yous hold onto, letting it pull you along.

Most of the components of the Seaglide are ones you've already harvested and hopefully were smart enough to hold onto. The large thing you'll need is a circuit board. To make a circuit board, you'll need to break some table coral. Just hit it with your pocketknife, and the pieces will fall.

NEXT: ten Essential Tips For Edifice The Subnautica Cyclops

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