
How To Repair A Rusted Hole In A Tub?

How to Repair Rust Holes

by Lacy Enderson

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There are a few ways to repair a rust hole, only no guarantees a repair will concluding. With that said, repairing a rust hole is easy and tin can be done by anyone willing to put forth the effort. Repairing a rust pigsty requires providing a strong repair that resists cracking. This tin be accomplished all-time using a fiberglass cloth kit purchased at any automotive supply shop. It doesn't matter if the rust hole is large or pocket-sized; this organization will work well.

Step 1

Cutting away any backlog trim and loose droppings from the surface area, leaving enough metal to maintain the shape of the body.

Step two

Grind away any trace of rust, primer and paint at least 4 inches back from the edge of the rust hole. Insert a 24-grit disc into a grinder.

Stride 3

Create a clear and shiny surface with a 100-grit sanding block. Use a ball-peen hammer to slightly tap the edges of the rust hole inwards.

Footstep 4

Cut a piece of release pic, establish in the kit, three inches larger than the sanded expanse around your hole. Lay the moving picture over the rust pigsty and marking the sanded surface area with a pencil. Move it to the side.

Pace v

Measure two pieces of fiberglass matte to cover the repair; one slice 1 inch smaller than the sanded area, and the second piece ane inch smaller than the first. Lay them out on a flat surface.

Step 6

Spread a layer of autobody repair jelly over the release film. Place the smaller piece of fiberglass on top of the moving picture. Spread more than repair jelly on the fiberglass cloth and place the larger fiberglass textile on the smaller i.

Step 7

Make sure the release picture show is facing outward and place the entire repair textile over the rust pigsty. Smoothen the material outward with a spreader removing all air bubbles and post-obit the shape of the torso.

Step 8

Let the repair fabric to cure overnight and and so remove the release film. Sand the entire area with an electric drill and a sanding disc. Apply a block sander to complete the task.

Step 9

Make full any low spots with the filler material establish in the kit. File downward the filler after it dries and smooth it with an 80-grit sandpaper.

Add a shine finish by applying a topcoat and hardener, found in the kit, with a spreader. Utilise a 200 so a 400 grit sanding cake to shine the topcoat, preparing it for masking, priming and painting.

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How To Repair A Rusted Hole In A Tub?,


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